星期六, 05 10月 2024

预防“新型冠状病毒/武汉肺炎”更新版 【5.2.2020 更新】


1.       请班导师调查近日有出国的学生并将名单送交训育处。

2.       2月1日起,出入中国者一定要自我隔离14天,有至亲从中国返国并与之接触者,请在家自行隔离3天,学校以特假处理,学生返校后以至亲护照出入境盖章页或机票副本到训导处办理请假即可。教职员工则向校长室办理请假手续。

3.       曾到港澳台、泰国及新加坡者,回国后若无不适可到校上课但须自我关注并带上口罩,若出现持续咳嗽,伤风及其他感冒症状者,请尽速就诊并在家休息(医生证明,病假处理)。学生返校后于指定时间到训导处办理请假;教职员工则向校长室办理请假手续。

4.       班导师每天利用早自习时间进班检查,请身体不适者到训育处测量体温。鼓励家中有体温计的班导师自行佩带并为班上学生测量体温,另训育处已添购6支体温计,预计一个年段一支,以便班导师为学生测量,体温超过37.5℃,请学生到训育处办理早退。

5.       班导师提醒学生每天放学前,清空桌面及抽屉,总务处会于放学后进行消毒工作。

6.       所有封闭式课室(ELC课室)都必须开窗上课,放学后继续开窗直到下午4点才关上。

7.       电脑室及音乐室没窗户,请在下课或没课时打开门让空气流通。

8.       行政处室及教师办公室尽量不开冷气或开窗办公。

9.    隔离期间,请学生主动向老师和同学跟进各科学习进度和作业,以利返校后能跟上进度。

10.      各处室及教师办公室都备有口罩,有需要口罩或身体不适者可以就近领取,也欢迎师生自备口罩。

11.      提醒同学不共用水瓶或餐具,加强个人卫生,保护自己及他人。



All staffs and teachers please pay attention to the following matters:

  1. Form teacher please make a survey: number of students who have gone abroad recently and send the name list to the discipline dept.
  2. From February 1st, those who have been in or out of China must be quarantined for 14 days. Those who have come back from China and come into contact with them, please quarantine for 3 days at home. The school will treat them with special leave. After the students return to school, they need to show the immigration stamp page or a copy of the flight ticket for leave application at the discipline dept.. As for staffs and teachers, please apply leave from the principal's office.
  3. Those who have been to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore can go to school after returning home but need to pay attention to themselves and always wear mask. If you have a persistent cough, cold and other cold symptoms, please consult doctor and isolate yourself at home (treated as sick leave). After returning to school, the student prepares the passport immigration stamp page or a copy of the flight ticket to apply for leave at the discipline dept. As for staffs and teachers, please apply leave from the principal's office.
  4. The Form teacher uses the morning self-study session to check the student’s body temperature. Form teachers is encouraged to bring along your own thermometers to take the body temperature of students in the class. There is 6 thermometers in the discipline dept.. If his/her temperature is over 37.5 ℃, please ask his/her go to the discipline dept. for early leaving application.
  5. Form teachers please remind students to clear the table and drawers before school every day. The General Affairs Office will spray disinfectant after school.
  6. All closed classrooms (ELC classrooms) must open windows during the lessons, and continue after school until 4 pm.
  7. As for computer room and music room, please open the door for air circulation during or after class.
  8. The administrative office and teacher's office are advised to open the window during working hours as much as possible.
  9. During the quarantine period, students are requested to actively follow up the progress and assignments of each subject to the teacher and classmates so that they can keep up with the progress after returning to school.
  10. Masks are available in all administrative and teachers' offices. Those who need a mask or are unwell can pick it up nearby. Teachers and students are advised to bring their own masks.
  11. Remind students not to share water bottles or tableware in order to strengthen personal hygiene and protect themselves and others.



Thank you for your cooperation.



Principal’s Office




No.14 Jalan Junid, 84000 Muar, Johor, Malaysia. 
Tel:06-9522632   Fax:06-9515611 
Email: chhsmuar@chhs.edu.my Website:www.chhs.edu.my